My client told me he absolutely positively never had sexual intercourse with the nurse, but the genetic DNA test said he absolutely positively was the father. My research informed me that it is possible to father a child without intercourse, such … Continue reading
Category Archives: Law Career
A Man’s Right to Choose Ends Where a Woman’s Begins Although the words do not appear in the United States Constitution, under the “penumbras” to the Bill of Rights a woman has the right to choose to be a parent … Continue reading
Plea Bargaining – Another Part of our Criminal Justice System [second daily dose of Criminal Defense Work] Now I have lots of questions, but Harrison’s certainly not the monster one might have qualms about defending and he had no … Continue reading
On Criminal Defense Work and Plea Bargains In Left for Dead (8th daily dose of Florida Rescue Mission) I tell about getting mugged on the day I passed the bar exam and how that didn’t deter me from being … Continue reading
As she came trolling back I gathered up my belongings to make room, determined not to start any conversation because all I wanted was peace and quiet, have my lunch, read the paper, and let my thoughts drift. No … Continue reading