EPILOG (9 Parts): Part 7 – What was the Motive for the NYC Bombing Plot?

7.What was the motive for the NYC bombing plot?

     No One Knows For Sure.

   Yes, it’s hard to believe anybody could carry a grudge against the government, and be so inhuman as to take it out on innocent people.   And yes, Dougherty (aka Rafferty) harbored deep resentments from having been imprisoned, but spreading terror by killing randomly? 

     Awaiting trial, both held without bail, the locked-up men themselves provided some insights and clues.  Through the prison grapevine it was passed on that Furbush was saying, “I’m not a criminal; I’m a Proud Boy For Freedom!”    Or, “I’m not a criminal; I’m a Terrorist!” And Dougherty’s reputation on his cellblock was that he hates Muslims.  In addition, search warrants executed at their varied residences provided some clues.  Indeed, some seemingly “left-on-purpose” documents, found where Rafferty and Jane lived, had descriptions of various schemes and ideas to make the world think that Muslims were behind their “playing at being terrorists.” Investigators even found “pretend demand notes.”

     At Furbush’s, there were paper bags full of Trump literature, hate literature, Q-Anon theories, a “Stop the Steal” sign, and a Proud Boy “Membership Certificate.” 

    The most widely held theory was that this was a “lone wolf thing,” just with two lone wolfs; that Furbush got involved – first, just as part of the sex-trafficking operation working with the guy he knew as Dougherty, or sometimes “Dough-Boy” – but then, in a deranged way, decided the best way to help Donald Trump was to be a terrorist, and start a reign of terror himself. 

It was also widely believed that Jane escaped. 

One wild rumor (later attributed back to Rocky) was that Patty had sketched this all out in advance to make money.

     What got Rafferty to go along with an actual bombing is still a topic of discussion.

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